Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Amore and the Time Angels Walked Around with Humans.

One thing about God is that he is the smartest thing in all of everywhere. Another thing about God is that since he is the smartest thing in all of everywhere, he likes to experiment. Today there are strict angel aptitude tests and rigid angel training and tact seminars. But that is only because of the time that God let angels walk around with humans.

It would have been a Tuesday (if Tuesdays had existed at the time), when God became strangely perplexed by the way things were.

He was in his glass bottom boat, looking down into the first village in the world when he saw Pantalones' wife's friends saying bad things about her (because she was the prettiest woman in the first village in the world). He saw jealousy and he saw the budding seeds of what would become hatred and he wondered where all of the bad things came from.

When you're the smartest thing in all of everywhere you have a lot on your mind. So, even though you could if you wanted to, you don't always think everything through. Such was the case when God created people. It was a beautiful idea, but it didn't take long before flaws were exposed.

Angels had been around for a long time, and they had never said bad things about each others wives. So God thought that maybe if he let the angels live with the humans the humans would learn how to be good. He called an Angel meeting and told them they were to move to Pangea for the time being. The angels were very excited because angels are very curious things.

It would have been a Wednesday (if Wednesday's had existed at the time), when God realized that sending the angels to live with the humans was a bad idea.

Even if you are the smartest thing in all of everywhere, you can still learn something new every day.

When the humans saw the angels (the most beautiful things they had ever seen), they fell into passionate, head-over-heels love with them. Which wouldn't have been a bad thing at all except that one thing about angels is that they don't fall in love, they only love. As you can imagine, this made for a sad state of affairs in Pangea. God quickly ordered the angels to return to their world.

A generation of people were sad because they had fallen in love with angels who couldn't love them back. Most of this sadness faded with time, but there is one lingering remnant of the time that God let angels walk around with humans. That remnant is a bloodline.

Even though they were only on the world for one night, there was one man who managed to make love with an angel and get her pregnant. His name was Amore (after all, it was a name first), and the angel's name was Haley. Amore fell into the deepest love with Haley, and because angels are curious, Haley tried to be in love with Amore. They did all the things that lovers do in a night, one of those things being making love.

Because angels can live in human world and humans cannot live in angel world, God permitted Haley to stay on earth for the remainder of Amore's life and raise their child.

Amore had the saddest life in the history of the world.

Amore was also more in love than anyone in the history of the world.

Haley loved Amore, and they were a happy couple to all outside observers, but Amore lived his life bearing the unbearably heavy weight of the truth. He had been in love since the day he saw Haley. And yet, no one had ever been in love with him. He began to attempt to put this feeling into words, for writing had already been invented by this time, but so far had only been used to label one's possessions. With knowledge of writing's capability of labeling things, Amore set out to label his feelings. Because there had not yet been a word invented to describe someone who was in love but was not loved back.

Amore shared his writing with many people in the first village in the world. His writing inspired many and gave a whole new application to the act of writing. Amore's writing was read at weddings, funerals, propositions, and for leisure.

And thus, poetry was born, along with the still inexplicable feeling of loving someone who doesn't love you back.

Amore and Haley named their daughter Sarah, and she went on to have the same traits as her mother (because the Angel gene is always the dominant one). Sarah was loved by many, many men with a deep insatiable love. She loved them all, but was not in love with any of them.

And so it continued throughout the rest of history, the angel bloodline and a string of women of inexplicable beauty who created poets and musicians and directors with their radiance and their incapability of being in love with these men.

Every now and then one of these angels becomes a prominent figure in history. Maud Gonne was one, William Yeats falling prey to the same sad predicament that found Amore in the first village in the world.

But for most, their encounter with the angel bloodline comes in elementary school classrooms, across school bus aisles, and on moonlit playgrounds. The girls that inspire entire lives and always seem just slightly out of reach. The girls that are always on your mind, no matter how far away they are in reality.

It all comes back to the short, but significant time that angels walked around with humans.