Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Miscellaneous Dreams and Inventions

This is a collection of writings I have done within the past two years or so:(they are not really connected to each other in any way)

1: Immobilized By Attempting Immortality:
That night Orion had a dream that every person in the world moved to the front side of the Earth, weighing it down to slow the orbit, slowing the years. Everyone had longer lives, and everyone was safe, but they had to build fences on the beaches because some people did not see the point in a life with out adventure, and went swimming out from the beach, throwing off the balance of the planet and speeding up the years. Scientists and Physicists then theorized that the speed of the Earth would be slowed the greatest if everyone just stood still, so that’s what they did. Generations and generations of people stood still all their lives to maximize the lengths of their lives. Cutting-edge developments in science and physics suggested that if the people all laid down they would take up the most space and put the most weight on the earth; slowing the years down even more. After a few generations of laying down, people forgot they had the ability to stand or walk and were rendered immobilized by attempting immortality.

2: A Rhythmic Glow of Chaos:
She smiled and turned her head away, he slipped his hand into hers. The city glimmered in the distance, a rhythmic glow of chaos. If it had been a cloudy night, the lights from the buildings and neon signs and coffee shops would have lit the bottom of the clouds with an orange glow, but not tonight. Tonight was cloudless, a night when nothing was held in, the type of night that never comes often enough.
Tonight everything was clear; the only obstacles between the rooftops and eternity were the stars. And the people dreamed dreams in their beds, even the people who said they never dreamed, and the dreams floated up through their roofs and straight to God, not getting trapped underneath the clouds. The dreams floated up in the same way that feathers float down, the night sky becoming a mess of dreams. The sky above the city was so full of dreams that the dreams bumped into each other. Dreams that weren’t right for each other bounced off of one another, looking for a match, but the ones that were right for each other fit into one another, completing each other and becoming one dream: boys saw the girls of their dreams, girls saw the boys that would risk everything for them, fathers saw their families happy with all they had provided them with. Mothers saw their children returning home safely. Workers saw relaxation, poor people saw riches, lonely people saw love. But for those who were unhappy only because they had found the person that had made them happy on this earth and that person was now gone, the dreams kept floating; up past the dreams that were searching for a match, up past the dreams that had found their match and were touching like lovers, up past the skyscrapers and the airplanes and the satellites and the space stations and the stars and straight to the person they were dreaming about. And for that moment, every person in the city was happy, everyone was in love, everyone was forgiving, forgiven, relieved, relaxed, excited, overcome, overwhelmed; everyone was full.

3:Destination Cookies:
O.K., Picture this: a restaurant, a nice one with scallops and cheesecake and lots of silverware. It would be like all nice restaurants in the world except that when you went to eat you would bring luggage packed with clothes and toothbrushes. You would eat with your luggage next to your chair, a meal with family and friends where you would reminisce about the past and laugh about all the strange places you’d been. You could take as long as you wanted, and when you were done fortune cookies would be brought to your table. But instead of finding fortunes when you cracked the cookie open there would be a plane ticket to a destination, and it would be best to go by yourself, somewhere new where no one knew your name or your mistakes. You would walk out of the backdoor of the restaurant and find runways and airplanes and it would be nighttime so that when the sun came up it would rise on a brand new day in a brand new place. Destination cookies. The beauty is that your destination would be entirely random.

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