Thursday, September 24, 2009

My First Austin Chronicle Blog!

A Captain Goes Down With His Ship…
Today, Austin boasts a teen scene that is arguably among the best in the nation. Yet for every movement, there were the pioneers, those who made their way through the tangled masses of reluctant club owners and sharpie smeared hands and blazed a trail. When I was sixteen, The Diving Captain was one of the very few young indie-rock bands in Austin. Back then, the attention that teen bands get here now was virtually non-existent, but The Diving Captain went far beyond the high school talent shows. Their dynamic combination of an energetic stage presence and irresistible melodies landed packed shows at the hippest venues and developed a genuine following. If teen bands are on Austin’s radar now, it’s because bands like The Diving Captain caused a ruckus this town couldn’t ignore. As Austin’s first big wave of teen musicians grow up and go off to college and the next wave takes the plate, let us not forget those fallen pioneers. Viva la Diving Captain!

-Aaron Miller

(there was more, but this was the interesting part)

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