Monday, November 2, 2009

The Weary Visions

Often I find myself wondering what those thoughts and visions are that come to your head just before you sleep. Every night when I’m lying in a state of drowsiness and semi-consciousness I picture something each time I close my eyes, something totally unrelated to anything I have done or seen over the course of the day. Last night I closed my eyes in an attempt to give in to sleep, that lackadaisical predator that eludes me so, and I saw a great chocolate cake. I opened my eyes again, then closed them and saw a black two dimensional figure being electrocuted under a hanging lamp. I saw more, but I could not remember the rest. I want to know what everyone in the world thinks about just before they go to sleep, and then create an all-encompassing piece of artwork inspired entirely by those weary visions, I could call the art piece ‘The Weary Visions‘, and it would include a painting, a song, a movie, and a book if an author greater than myself could find a plot.

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